Discover Israel from a personal point-of-view of an Israeli woman

Photograph credit- Jeff Hall

Photograph credit - Susan Jones
Dear friends,
For the last 35 years I have worked as a tour guide in Israel with groups, mostly from North America. Over the years, this occupation became a unique way of life for me, and in many ways fulfilled my need for meaning and purpose in my daily existence. With every group I guided, I discovered new aspects of daily life in this special country that became stories which found their way into my explanations.
Time and time again, my former travelers have asked me to create a video, a website, a blog or any other format to enable them to go back over their trip and bring back sweet memories. My computer is filled with photographs taken by the hundreds of tourists with whom I still keep in touch. For a long time, I debated this matter, which was also driven by a need to somehow document my life work for my family and the next generations…
It is the year 2020: we are in the midst of a global crisis, which modern humanity has never experienced before; complete lock-down on tourism. The Covid-19 virus is changing our lives for ever and no telling if, and when, I will ever be able to guide groups in Israel again.
From the isolation enforced on us, the idea of writing my stories started to bear fruit. A virtual tour in the form of chosen subjects will be posted in an internet blog. The result will become my personal signature.
It is not going to be a guide book to Israel, nor a fiction story. I intend to go over the topics and sites which are ‘The Must’ pillars in every tour which I guide, a diary perhaps. A personal journey.
Some of the subjects you will find in my Blog :
The Gate of Faith
Women of Valor
Cats of Jerusalem
Where is Armageddon ?
Four tribes of Israelis
Mt. Carmel and the Prophet Elijah
What do Hassidic Jewish pioneers have to do with
the movie‘Top Gun’
The Sermon on the Mount – a Rabbi or a Rebbe ?
Divine Light - Holiness in the Holy Land
For all food lovers - there are going to be recipes for delicious Israeli dishes... Market tours, etc. I plan to add an e-store for gifts and special items which I found on my many tours.
I invite you to join me in this special tour. Subscribe to my Blog and you will be notified when I publish a new item.
See you soon...
Gabi Landau